“Why does the eardrum rupture?
The eardrum can rupture due to factors such as infection, trauma (injury), and pressure. It is most commonly seen in chronic middle ear infections.
Why is a hole in the eardrum important?
A hole in the eardrum eliminates the barrier created by the eardrum between the outer ear and the middle ear, making these two structures interconnected. Water from the external ear canal (bathing, showering, swimming in pools or the sea) can enter the middle ear, increasing the risk of infections in adjacent structures such as the facial nerve, inner ear, and brain. Additionally, a perforated eardrum loses its tension, which can lead to hearing loss.
How is a hole in the eardrum treated?
If the hole in the eardrum is very small, not infected, and hasn’t caused hearing loss, it can be monitored while taking precautions to prevent exposure to water (such as avoiding bathing, swimming, or getting water in the ear). If a patient has persistent or recurrent ear drainage associated with the eardrum perforation and experiences hearing loss, surgery may be necessary to close the hole in the eardrum.
How is eardrum surgery performed?
Eardrum surgery is called “myringoplasty” and is performed under general anesthesia. During the surgery, an endoscopic myringoplasty is often done, which means it is performed through the external ear canal without any external incisions. The advantage of using an endoscope for this procedure is that it allows the surgery to be performed without any external incisions. The tissue used to close the hole in the eardrum is typically taken from the patient’s own ear cartilage.
What should be considered after eardrum surgery?
Patients are typically discharged from the hospital on the first day after surgery, following the completion of ear dressings. Post-operative pain and bleeding are usually minimal. Ear dressings are performed a few times after the surgery. The status of hearing loss is evaluated through follow-up hearing tests performed in the coming weeks. The success rate of this surgery is quite high.”
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